Booking Form

Booking Form

Please give as much information as possible when completing the form. Questions marked with * are compulsory.

We will contact you after you have submitted this form to confirm your booking.

We apologize in advance for the length of this form. We need to make sure we know everything about your dog prior to their visit.

Meet and greet prior to your dogs first stay

Before we can board your dog you will need to attend a meet and greet session to assess your dog’s suitability. This will be completed Monday – Friday between 11am and 2pm and should last no longer than 30 minutes. You can then leave your dog with us with complete peace of mind knowing that they are happy in our home boarding environment.

We do not accept in season bitches, entire males or males castrated less than 6 Weeks.

Boarding Puppies

  • An additional surcharge of £2 per day, per puppy 5 months and under applies.
  • All puppies must be crate trained prior to stay.

All Fees subject to review

Any dog that sleeps on the owners bed or in the owners bedroom on a daily basis must be comfortable sleeping away from human contact at night prior to stay.

If your dog has stayed with us before, select Yes – My dog has stayed before and we will use the information we have on file.

Please note: Your details will only be used for the purposes of your booking.


Once the form has been submitted, you should receive a response within 48 hours.

By clicking ‘submit’ you confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. You authorise Walls4Paws to board your dog/s with their own dogs and other guests in their home. You can view our terms and conditions by clicking the link below:

Terms and Conditions

All Sections below marketed with a * are mandatory

Peak Times and School Holidays

Please Note – Due to high demand during peak times (school holidays) we are restricting stays to a minimum of 4 days.

    1. About you

    Emergency Contact Details

    2. Dates of your dog's stay

    Please note our drop off and collection times:

    Weekdays: Drop offs from 7:30am - 10:00am | Collect by 6pm or £5/hr additional late charge.
    Saturdays: Drop offs from 7:30am - 10am | Collection from 4pm -  6pm or £5/hr additional late charge.
    Sundays: Drop offs from 7:30am - 10am | Collection from 4pm -  6pm or £5/hr additional late charge.
    Bank Holiday Mondays and Fridays Please note we are closed from 12-4pm.

    Due to new DEFRA legislation and SDDC licensing rules: Checkout by 8am will not incur that days charges. After 8am standard boarding charges will apply.

    Note that the late fees apply to all late collections.

    3. About your Dogs

    If you are booking in more than one dog, you may provide all of the details on one form.

    Please note we do not accept in season bitches, entire males or males castrated less than 6 Weeks.

    Please note we do not accept in season bitches, entire males or males castrated less than 6 Weeks.


    Please note we do not accept in season bitches, entire males or males castrated less than 6 Weeks.

    Please note we do not accept in season bitches, entire males or males castrated less than 6 Weeks.











    4. Payment Options

    Please note this is not a fully automated online payment service. Once we have confirmed availability for your dog/dogs, a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total amount is required to confirm and secure all bookings. Please select your preferred payment choice from the list.
    Walls 4 Paws payment details: Sort Code: 20-15-96 Account Number: 73418901

    5. Terms and Conditions of Service

    I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. I authorise Walls4Paws to board my dog/s with their own dogs and other guests in their home. The full terms and conditions can be found by clicking the link above this form or by visiting

    I also agree to attend a meet and greet with my dog before their first stay - to ensure that they are suitable for home boarding.

    Yes I Agree to the full Terms and Conditions of Service